With Christmas coming, so do all the little temptations: hot chocolate, sweets and mulled wine are just a few of them.

But how do you avoid throwing overboard all your dreams of a healthier lifestyle for one month? Let me tell you right here.


Use the Holidays to meet your friends and family and just have a good time. During the year we tend to be all too stressed about… well, everything! Job, hobbies, friends, and so on. The Christmas season is now the perfect time to slow down and start focusing again on yourself. Use the time to think about what happened in your life in the past twelve months and what you want to change the following year. I, personally, like to write everything down, but hey – that’s just me!


Trying too hard to avoid all the good Christmas stuff, can ruin the entire month of December for you. Because eventually, you will cave in and feel guilty for having eaten those cookies or not having done your evening workout routine because you decided to meet some friends. You get the picture.

So, I’d like to give you some tips that I follow myself on how to enjoy the (pre-) Holiday season without letting guilt take over:

  • Limit yourself to a maximum of 2 cups of mulled wine.
    Getting drunk harms your body in numerous ways, so just avoid it. If you have overdone it on the alcohol, remember to drink a lot of water the following day.
  • Set yourself a Cookie Limit.
    For me, that would be something like “I’ll eat only 5 cookies”. By doing so, I can enjoy the taste of freshly-baked Christmas Cookies, but still be proud for having eaten way less than I would have done the year before.
  • Go for a winter walk.
    Who says that one can take a walk only when it’s warm outside? It’s just a matter of clothing! Plus: you get to enjoy all the pretty Christmas decorations!
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself.
    Even if you didn’t manage to resist all the temptations, don’t feel bad about yourself. Everyone needs a break from time to time. Just try again the next day and focus on the goals you thought of before.

All in all, just be yourself, don’t overdo it and have a wonderful pre-Christmas time!

Do you have more tips and tricks on how to “survive” the Holiday season? Tell me about them right below in the comments section or join the Brigade of the Unwilling on Facebook and Twitter! I’d love to hear from you!