

or: Fitness for the Unwilling



Simple exercises for your daily commute

I've started a new training besides my main profession, which not only increases my daily stress level, but also takes away even more time for fitness activities. In total, I'm spending 2.5 hours sitting in my car every day. That's a lot. So why not do something productive while standing at a red light or sitting in a traffic jam?

30-Day-Challenges and why they are fun!

Some of my colleagues at work persuaded me to do a 30 Day Planking Challenge together. And it fit my lazygetics motto quite well, because it only takes a miniscule amount of time every day to improve your fitness! So I thought I'd share my experience with you.

How to get fit in the office without anyone noticing

Some of you will have jobs where you get plenty of exercise already. But if you're like me, sitting in the office 9 hours a day surrounded by other people, the following tips might be right for you!

3 simple exercises for your daily routines

In the past few days I've thought a lot about some simple things that I can change or improve in my daily routines. Here's what I've found out so far.

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